Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd

Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd

Plot No. 54, Udyog Vihar, Phase VI, Sector 37, Gurugram, Haryana, 122001
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India India

Descripción de la Empresa

Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd. is one of the India’s largest power solutions company which has presence in 90 countries worldwide and holds a record for being the only company in this field to file for over 100 patents. It manufactures more than 200 products including various solar products, UPS, batteries, and customized solar solutions. A truly knowledge driven company, with innovation at its heart, Su-kam develops intelligent power back-up solutions, engineered to be energy efficient and thus reduce the users carbon footprint. Working further towards a cleaner, greener planet, we are branching out towards eco-friendly inexhaustible energy solutions like Solar Power Generation System. From being a start-up in 1998 (when it was founded),Su-Kam has grown exponentially

Detalles de la Actividad de la Empresa

Gama de Potencia(Wp):
Empresa Madre

Ejemplo de los Instaladores que Usan Esta Marca

Detalles de la Actividad de la Empresa

Tipos de Componente
Sistema de Almacenamiento, Controladores de Carga
Sistema de Almacenamiento
Ion de Litio, LFP (LiFePO4)
Controladores de Carga
Tipo de Tecnología
Empresa Madre
Num. de Vendedores Conocidos
Sistema de Almacenamiento 2 Vendedor
Úlima Actualización
28 jun. 2023