Oahu Solar

Oahu Solar

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Descripción de la Empresa

We are a locally-owned and operated team of experienced solar installers and green energy experts, based in Honolulu, HI. Our solar company has been working with solar for years, and completed many projects over that time. As a full-service solar company, our services include solar panel installation, repair and cleaning, as well as solar roof installation and other solar-related jobs. We work across the Oahu island, and we are ready to travel for big projects. Proudly serving the entire island of Oahu, including Honolulu, East Honolulu, Pearl City, Waipahu and Kaneohe.

Detalles de la Actividad de la Empresa

Tamaño de la instalación
Instalaciones Menores
Área Operadora
Úlima Actualización
12 abr. 2024