Solar Frontier Delivers 86MW PV Modules to Chiyoda for Multiple Japan Projects

Publicado el 1 nov. 2013
Solar Frontier 
Oct. 28, 2013 - As of the end of September, Solar Frontier has supplied Chiyoda Corporation, with 86MW of CIS solar panels for 18 installations. Chiyoda Corporation and Chiyoda System Technologies Corporation will perform the work of engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC).

The solar projects in Japan will benefit from this experience and technology insight. They will also benefit from the real-world power generation and quality advantages of Solar Frontier’s CIS modules. Tolerance to shadow, high heat efficiency in southern locations such as Kyushu, and strong low-light performance in northern areas such as Hokkaido make Solar Frontier’s modules geographically versatile.

The combined strengths of Chiyoda Group and Solar Frontier are expected to result in cost performance and value to the customers of each megasolar project. The two companies expect to work together on further projects going forward, helping to develop Japan’s renewable energy future.

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