
Publicado el 18 sept. 2016
Grenergy Renovables 
Grenergy has closed the financing of two PMGD photovoltaic energy projects of 9MWs in Chile, amounting to 19.2 million dollars (17.1 million Euro), as announced earlier to the Spanish Mercado Alternativo Bursátil (MAB).

The projects have been picture-news-securityfinanced by Security and Consorcio, in an operation that consolidates Grenergy in Chile where it in 2012 and establishes Chile as a key pillar in the Company's Latin American strategy.

With this funding, the company will complete the projects of "Esperanza" and "Marchigüe", two photovoltaic plants with a capacity of 18 nominal MW in total, which will occupy an area equivalent to over 65 football fields. The projects are under construction and will be connected to Chile's distribution network, the Central Interconnected System (SIC). Both plants are located in the commune of Marchigüe, in the region of Libertador O'Higgins.

In the coming weeks, Grenergy will connect its second plant in the country, "FV Alturas de Ovalle", to the SIC, with a capacity of 3MW's. Together with their first plant, also located in the Ovalle region, Grenergy will generate 14MWh/year of energy, which will cover the electrical needs of 1.900 homes while also reducing 9.000 tons of CO2 per year of greenhouse gases emissions.

Fuente: Grenergy
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