Ho Ying Engineering Co., Ltd.

Ho Ying Engineering Co., Ltd.

Room 1211, Block C, Wah Lok Industrial Center, Fo Tan, New Territories
Click to show company phone
Hong Kong Hong Kong

Descripción de la Empresa

Ho Ying Engineering's (HY) goal is to develop and deliver high quality renewable energy projects to achieve net-zero carbon output. We specialize in the development, financing, construction and operation of both commercial and industrial (C&I) and residential solar PV systems in Hong Kong. With over 30 years of history as an EPC, consultant and investor, we have successfully implemented many projects in Hong Kong and overseas in infrastructure and energy development.

Detalles de la Actividad de la Empresa

Fecha de Lanzamiento de Instalación
Años de Garantía Gratis
Almacenamiento de Batería
Tamaño de la instalación
Instalaciones Menores, 1MWp+ Instalaciones
Área Operadora
Hong Kong
Suministradores paneles
Proveedores de Inversores
Úlima Actualización