Blubase - Esdec Solar Group

Blubase - Esdec Solar Group

Lingenstraat 9, 8028 PM, Zwolle
Click to show company phone
Holanda Holanda

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Descripción de la Empresa

Blubase – Strong in solar support

Blubase offers mounting systems and services that enable installers to do what they are good at: installing solar panels. In our product portfolio we offer a number of solutions with a good price/quality ratio for you as the installer. And you can easily buy them from us. Your communication with Blubase will be direct and straightforward: we’ll listen to you! Your feedback is what motivates us to continue to innovate. This applies to both our product portfolio and our services. Through our intensive cooperation, we are able to reduce our time to market and accelerate the energy transition together.

Detalles de la Actividad de la Empresa

Tipos de Componente
Sistemas de Montaje, Acoplamientos de Techo
Sistemas de Montaje
Num. de Vendedores Conocidos
Sistemas de Montaje 4 Vendedor
Úlima Actualización