Amp-solar d.o.o.

Amp-solar d.o.o.

Globoka pot 7, 6258, Prestranek
+386 7038 6781
Slovenia Slovenia

Descripción de la Empresa

In our company A.M.P. Miran Pavlovec s.p., we decided to restore producing photovoltaic module that represent the most important element in getting electrical power from solar.
We are convinced that in the future the number of photovoltaic system users is going to increase, because the building of your own solar power station will be increasingly productive.

Detalles de la Actividad de la Empresa

Almacenamiento de Batería
Tamaño de la instalación
Instalaciones Menores
Área Operadora
Proveedores de Inversores
Úlima Actualización
14 sept. 2023