Eclipse Italia s.r.l.

Eclipse Italia s.r.l. Venezia 3, 20121, Milano
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Italia Italia

Información del Personal

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Descripción de la Empresa

Since 2008, Eclipse Italia Srl has been active in the development and production of photovoltaic modules based on crystalline silicon technology.

The company is managed by technicians with many years of experience in the photovoltaic world and depends on a group of important investors who have a long-standing vocation for industry. Among them stands Unidelta Spa, a leading producer for the sanitary and heating market at a national and international level.

Eclipse Italia gives the right meaning to words such as: listening, passion, global quality, dynamism and environmental awareness. They stand for continuous care to every phase of the production process, according to the best concept of “Made in Italy

Detalles de la Actividad de la Empresa

Monocristalino, Policristalino
Gama de Potencia(Wp):



  • 156M60 300-310
    300 ~ 310 Wp Monocristalino
  • 156M72 350-360
    350 ~ 360 Wp Monocristalino
  • 156M60B 300-310
    300 ~ 310 Wp Monocristalino
  • 156P60 270-280
    270 ~ 280 Wp Policristalino
  • 156P72 320-330
    320 ~ 330 Wp Policristalino

Ejemplo de los Instaladores que Usan Esta Marca

Úlima Actualización
28 sept. 2023